Thursday 15 December 2011

Golden Globe Nominations announced!

So the nominations were announced about an hour ago and we have to say we're pretty surprised by just one nomination for The Iron Lady, and equally surprised by the number of nominations The Ides Of March has picked up! It's showing here from tomorrow if you want to see what all the fuss is about... The Golden Globes are usually the best indication of which way the Oscars are going to go, so we're waiting with baited breath for that announcement on 24th January! And where you may have missed a few of the nominated films that we've shown, the good news is that quite a lot of them are coming up here in the next couple of months, so now is a great time to absorb some film culture so you can have that "I can't believe so-and-so won that Oscar" conversation with your friends (or is that just us that does that??).

It's not too late to get yourself down to the Guildhall for the last screening of The Help tonight. It's picked up an impressive total of five nominations (Best Picture - Drama, Best Actress - Drama for Viola Davies, Best Supporting Actress for Jessica Chastain and Octavia Spencer, and Best Original Song for The Living Proof) and has been making waves in other nomination lists recently too.

The Ides of March, which is showing from Friday for a week, is also nominated for Best Picture - Drama, as well as Best Director for George Clooney, Best Actor - Drama for Ryan Gosling and Best Screenplay.

The Artist was always going to be a crowd-pleaser, picking up the largest number of nominations with Best Picture - Musical or Comedy, Best Director, Best Actor - Musical or Comedy, Best Supporting Actress, Best Screenplay and Best Original Score. We'll be showing it here in late February/early March, so keep an eye out!

My Week With Marilyn (here for a week and a half from 3rd January) was another big-hitter, with three nominations: Best Picture - Musical or Comedy, Best Actress - Musical or Comedy and Best Supporting Actor.

War Horse brings up the rear with just two nominations for Best Picture - Drama and Best Original Score, and The Iron Lady picks up just one nomination for Best Actress - Drama (Meryl Streep). We'll be showing both of these films in February/March.

Midnight In Paris, one of our most popular films of the year, got four nominations with Best Picture - Musical or Comedy, Best Director for Woody Allen, Best Actor - Musical or Comedy for Owen Wilson and Best Screenplay. Tilda Swinton, who seems to be winning everything in sight at the moment, picked up a predictable nomination for Best Actress - Drama for her performance in We Need To Talk About Kevin. It's nice to see The Guard sneaking into a couple of nomination lists, with a Best Actor - Musical or Comedy nomination for Brendan Gleeson, and Christopher Plummer seems to have impressed in Beginners, with a nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Ryan Gosling is everywhere at the moment, so it's no surprise that he picks up a second nomination for Best Actor - Musical or Comedy for Crazy Stupid Love (even though our audience didn't particularly seem to like it!).

The winners are announced on Sunday 15th January - get watching!