Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Angels' Share (15)

The Angels' Share is coming to our screen this week.  It is the new film from director Ken Loach and Screenwriter Paul Laverty who have worked together on a number of films before now all of which have been criticality acclaimed.

Having just escaped a prison sentence, Robbie and a group of fellow young offenders are taken on a day trip to a whiskey distillery in the hope it will expand their cultural horizons. In stark contrast, they decide instead to stage a robbery, the proceeds of which Robbie plans to use to provide for his young family. What follows is a bittersweet comedy caper from acclaimed director Ken Loach, which is being hailed as the Scottish equivalent of The Full Monty, only with considerably more kilts.

Like previous films Ken Loach explores a realism which is seen in a his previous films.  Although tough topics are addressed the film approaches them in a pleasant manner.
warm, funny and good-natured 
good cast who work with a great script
Scottish dialect is lovely and warming - it is not difficult to understand at all!
unknown actors which is something we see often with Ken Loach
politics do underlay this film but it is not over-the-top and makes a nice watch for all audiences
feel-good due to the characters
Ken Loach's understated comedy uncasks a taste of something real for our times
the film has a dramatic climax which does have a little taste of implausibility indulges the audiences but the realism of this films wins out for audience members

*An amiable comedy about young Glaswegian roughnecks discovering the world of whisky, "The Angels' Share" finds helmer Ken Loach and long-term screenwriting partner Paul Laverty in better, breezier form than their rebarbative prior effort* Variety 

* Loach and Laverty are speaking with an engaging dramatic voice* The Guardian

Watch the trailer below:

The Angels' Share is screening: Friday 20th 7:45pm, Saturday 20th 10:45 am and 7:45pm, Monday 23rd at 2pm and 7:45pm.

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