Saturday 25 August 2012

MUSINGS: Boys blubbering at blockbusters

Did you blubber at Bambi?  Get Extremely Tearful over E.T?  Did you melt at the sight of The Snowman?  If the answer to any of these questions is 'yes', please look away now. 

For many of us, the memory of crying over films as a kid is as much soaked in nostalgia as the event itself was soaked in tears.  Now we've grown up, most of us are over our on-screen losses.  Sure, there's always a few hiccups: films such as Marley & Me, Schindler's List and any number of Meryl Streep movies may makes hearts flutter and lips quiver, but Disney's deer, home-phoning aliens and sweating snowmen no longer have the emotional pull as they once did.  But that's fine.  They were fundamental to our emotional development and we're now the better for it.  We've sucked it up and long-since moved on.

And yet there are two children in America whose tears have been made very public... to the tune of almost 1.7 million Youtube views at the last count.  You can make up your own mind about it, but the following - while a touching 'awww' moment for the family - has already done the worldwide rounds and may haunt these traumatised pre-teens in later life worse than several (hundred) naked baby photos.    

However, the fact remains that this is still very, very funny.  But be warned: if you take your kids to see The Odd Life of Timothy Green (it's out in the UK on 7 December and will no doubt make it to the Guildhall at some point), be sure to pick up a box of tissues on the way.  

Please note: in the children's grief, some key plot points may have been given away.

<<< Spoiler Alert >>>

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