Tuesday 2 April 2013

PREVIEW - Flight (15)

From Director, Producer Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future, Forrest Gump and Cast Away) comes an adrenaline, tense, thriller Flight, that will have you amazed but its effects and gripped by its storyline.

Written by actor turned writer John Gatins (Coach Carter) Flight is a clever and powerful film that celebrates the actions of a hero as his secrets and sins are exposed.

In a film with a huge cast it contains many a talented actor form a host of youngster and rising stars such as Nadine Velazquez and Kelly Reilly (Sherlock Holmes) to leading actor Denzel Washington (Training Day and American Gangster) and supports John Goodman (Argo) and Don Cheadle (Iron Man 2 and Crash).

Flight is built around details that emerged from a real-life air disaster in 2000. The film is hinged on one fine detail from the report, that a passenger jet in free-fall can be levelled glide to safe. This all relies on one manouevre a manouevre so dangerous and technical that if pulled off can save many lives.

Whip Whitaker (Washington) is the pilot in charge of saving the lives of others as his plan heads nose first towards the ground. We wake a battered Whitaker in a hospital bed... a hero to many and the saviour of hundreds.
However, as the film unravels and the lead up to the crash is shown we learn the sins and secrets of Whitaker from his drug and drink addiction to his affair with stewardess Katerina (Velazquez), as we see Whitaker deal with the highs of a hero, to the lows of addiction and to the constant onslaught of media and the charges he may face.

Nominated for 2 Oscars and 1 Golden Globe, Flight was recognised worldwide for its screenplay, performance and special effects, it's a gripping thriller not to be missed.

*Denzel Washington is excellent as an alcoholic airline pilot in Robert Zemeckis’s addiction drama, Flight*
Jenny McCartney
*Steered by an on-form Zemeckis, Flight is well worth boarding*
James Mottram

Still not convinced by Flight? Have a look at the trailer below;

Flight is showing at Gloucester Guildhall on;
Friday 5th April at 7.45pm, Saturday 6th April at 10.45am and 7.45pm and Monday 8th April at 2pm.

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